As a teenager, I remember seeing articles and taglines saying “Do this exercise for a flatter tummy” or “Get abs in 10 minutes a day.” Well, I did in fact try all of the article recommendations as a teen and young adult and sadly, no flat tummy would appear despite doing all the crunches, leg lifts and standing twists.
It would take years before I finally realized there was a lot that was not shared in those articles.
Exercise is helpful for building muscle and having muscle definition however, you cannot exercise in a way to spot reduce one area. Meaning: You cannot crunch your way into smaller pants.
I’ve had clients over the years come to me asking me for the miracle exercise to help them lose weight in just their stomach and only their stomach. Weight loss is a bit more complicated than a one move wonder.
Exercise does support and aid in weight loss and weight maintenance but it is not about repeating one or two exercises every day. Doing core exercises every day will make your core stronger but that does not equate to body composition changes (weight loss or muscle definition).
If you are looking to lose weight and live a healthier life, here are some concepts to consider.
- We cannot spot train an area. Just because we use a certain muscle more, does not mean our body will lose fat in that area first. Some individuals will notice weight loss in their legs or arms before their stomach, others may lose weight in the stomach before they lose weight in their chest. Genetics/diet/lifestyle play a role in this.
- Focus on doing full body workouts. This means leg exercises, upper body, core and cardio. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns resting and exercising. PLUS studies show strengthening the whole body versus one specific area is proven to improve overall health, lower BP, reduce pain, strengthen bones and improve posture.
- Focus on diet. When I say diet, I do not mean you need to pick a diet lifestyle (atkins, paleo etc.), I mean focus on how you are eating overall. Are you getting enough vegetables, protein, complex carbs and healthy fats? Are you eating out or cooking more? What you eat and how you fuel your body have a direct link to weight loss and maintenance.
- Be patient! We live in a world where we want results RIGHT NOW. Which is why those tag lines “lose 2 inches in 2 days” catch our attention. Taking the slower route where you develop healthy habits you can maintain, will not only help you achieve your weight loss goals but also help you maintain it for the long haul!